Kiowa Tests the New Waterers

   Nothing better at the end of a hard day of
work on the ranch, than to try out our
new Nelson waterers.  Last year we
decided to install automatic waterers for
each of the pens on one
farm to try
them out.
  Best investment ever!
I can now say, they came through an
Indiana winter, with below zero
temperatures, like champs. We already
have the waterers for all the other pens
and just waiting for good weather!

 What do you do when you have an
over-protective recip mama?
Weld a hay ring to a quick connect for the skid steer!
 Out of the skid steer and into the hay ring...easy button!
 Mama my not like it but not too much she
can do about it!
   Ear tag and worse for wear!

For any additional information
